
J A M E S     A L L E N

You will become as small as your controlling desire, as great as your dominating aspirations.

P U B L I U S     S Y R U S

If you wish to reach the peak, begin at the lowest.

H E N R Y     D A V I D     T H O R E A U

If one advances confidently in the directions of his dreams and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours.

R O B E R T     H.     G O D D A R D

The dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow.

J E R E M Y     C O L L I E R

How many feasible projects have been miscarried through despondency, and have been strangled in their birth by a cowardly imagination.

O L I V E R     C R O M W E L L

He who stops being better, stops being good.

R I C K     R E N N E R

Look at every question, face every fear, and examine every doubt with total honesty; then, you can make strong decisions about them and your life.

The reason many people fail, is not for lack of vision, but for lack of resolve, and resolve is born out of counting the cost.


Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity

Self-discipline in great things is attained only through self-discipline in little things.

Behold the turtle; he makes progress only when he sticks his neck out; likewise the snail.

He only is ruined who is bankrupt in hope, and has forgotten how to make efforts.

Opportunities never come to those who wait; they're captured by those who dared to attack.

Learning is costly? Try ignorance.

Yellow gold has its price; learning is priceless!

Food cures hunger, study cures ignorance.

You will become what you invest your time on.

Your future is dependent on how you use your present; you're the architect of your future by the way you use the present.

Procrastination is the thief of time.

In every nonsense, there is a sense.

Surprise is an element of warfare

In every rumor is an iota of truth.

The greatest laboratory is the mind of man.

Actions speak louder than words.

Every warrior has his Achille's heel.

Your success is measured by your willingness to keep trying.

The circumstances surrounding a man's life are unimportant; his response to the circumstances is the determining factor between success and failure.

Average is simply the best of the poor, the poorest of the best; when you're average, you're just near the bottom as you are to the top.

The house of success is built on the foundation of determination, diligence, and discipline.

The taste of the pudding is in its eating.

Judge not a book by its cover.

Worry does not take away tomorrow's pain; it only takes away today's peace.

Feel useless today? Just remember that somebody is working as a lifeguard at the Olympics.

It takes two to tango

Winners never quit and quitters never win

Man squanders health to acquire wealth and then spends wealth to maintain health

Never admit failure until you've made your last attempt and never make your last attempt until you've succeeded

A man who sleeps eight hours a day and lives to be 75 has actually spent one-third (25) of his entire lifespan sleeping

Life is a coin; you can spend it anyway you wish, but you can only spend it once

Yesterday is a canceled check; tomorrow is a promissory note.
Today is the only cash you have; therefore, spend it wisely

Success often rises out of the ashes of failure

The height great man seized and kept, were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward through the night

The man who is good for excuses is good for nothing else

Every beginner is a winner, having won victory over inertia, procrastination, and the fear of starting

He begins to die who quits his desire

What you successfully do is what history makes haste to record

Footprints in the sand of time were not made sitting down

Go as far as you can see; when you get there, you'll see farther

It is the quality of aspiration that determines the true success or failure in life

Success will smile at the man who refuses to lie down at the corridor of failure

Without determination, success will ever remain a dream

There are 3 kinds of people in the world: the wills, the won'ts, and the can'ts. The first accomplishes everything, the second oppose everything, and the third fail in everything. Which are you?

He that wishes to eat the nut does not mind cracking the shell

A good purpose without good procedure and a wrong purpose with procedure lead nowhere

Success is not a product of fate, chance, or luck; it is the result of burning desire that knows no defeat

At the corridor of success, there are no bargains; a price must always be paid in advance and in full

Ideas are the starting points of all success; it takes only one idea, followed by acion to create a fortune

Goal setters are gold getters

He is not a failure that accepts failure as a stepping stone to success

No one can stop a man with a plan because no one has the plan to stop him

Test is built into a Testimony

A B R A H A M     L I N C O L N

My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you're content with failure.

B I L L     C O S B Y

The beginning of failure is trying to please everybody.


A living dog is better than a dead lion

B E N J A M I N     D I S R A E L I

The youths of a nation are the trustees of posterity.

T H O M A S     E D I S O N

Success is 2% inspiration and 98% perspiration.


I have no extraordinary talent, only that I'm passionately curious, always wanting to know more.

We are what we repeatedly do; therefore, excellence is not an act, but a habit

W I L L I A M     A R T H U R     W A R D

If you can imagine it, you can possess it
If you can dream it, you can become it
If you can envision it, you can attain it
If you can picture it, you can achieve it

B E N J A M I N     F R A N K L I N

Laziness goes slowly that poverty soon overtakes it

C L E M E N T     S T O N E

What the mind can conceive and believe, the man can achieve it

V I D A L     S A S S O N

The only place where success comes before work is in a dictionary

M A R G A R E T     C A R T Y
B like a postage stamp; stick to one thing until you get there

S I D N E Y     B R A N E R
There is no such thing as becoming a first-class person by second-class or third-class efforts