Sept Goals - Session 1

Middle Splits Challenge

First session for this goal!

I was actually pumped to start the program; there are 13 sessions in the program and I was ready to get started.

After exercising, I decided to jump into the training session.

The Training

I started with my favorite warm-up drills (mainly because it allows you to start lazily while on your back):

From there, I also completed some leg straddle lifts:

I also completed 5 sets of butterfly pose with 20-lb dumbbell on each thigh.

I completed the drills with some standing hamstring stretch:

After the drills, I got into the training session.

The Experience

Unlike the previous challenge, I had 2 training goals:

  1. Complete 10 sets on every training session
  2. Not to push too hard; I want to enjoy the sessions

So, I eased into the sets.

As expected, set 1 had the worst range; so, I simply stretched and stayed in position, expecting the range to gradually increase.

I was using a parallette for arms support and I'm too low for the paralletes, I added yoga foam blocks for additional support (i.e. my arms are on the blocks and my torso is supported by the parallete).

With this setup, my arms are no longer doing a lot of the work, my thighs are.

All I was just doing was staying in position, keeping the legs straight and the torso high.

Maybe because of a better support system, my thighs getting stronger, me not pushing too hard, my stamina getting better, or a combination of the factors, I was not sweating as in the previous challenge.

I completed sets 1 through 5 with 60-second rest in between each set. After set 5, I took a 2-min rest before starting set 6.

I also took another 2-min rest before completing set 10.

After resting for 2 mins, I completed two sets of 45-second front leg split on each leg, resting for 45 seconds between each set.

Informal Sessions

Well, I try to practise the horse stance everyday, especially when brushing when there's a lot of standing around.

I also do the butterfly pose and standing hamstring stretch whenever possible.

I know I'm more limber now than before and I know that full middle splits will be completed in the near future.

Prior Middle Splits Challenge

Water Treading

As part of my research, I came across this video:

So, I focused on water sculling with my hands.

I didn't notice any progress, but I kept at it.

I also did some water plunging; however, the highlight of my swim was completing 3 sets of 2-lap breast stroke without pausing (a record for me).

I know I'm getting better in the water, getting more comfortable in it, and will soon begin to complete advanced moves in the water.

Session 2