July 7th - It's Weigh-In Day!


"You didn't gain all the weight in one day
You won't lose it in one day
Be patient with yourself"
                - Jenna Wolfe

According to my weight loss plan, I officially weigh myself every week to determine my progress.

My weigh-ins are done on a Saturday evening or Sunday morning because my weight is the lowest during that period.

This Week's Weight Goal

My weight goal for this week is 219.96 lbs; this is based on my weight loss plan

And without further ado, my weight this week is......

217.40 lbs!


When I weighed myself last night, my measurements were

  • Body weight - 217.40 lbs
  • Waist size - 39.5 inches
  • Body fat percentage - Between 20% - 25%


Based on the measurements, I'm still a fat-ass (my BMI categorizes me as overweight and my waist size borders on overweight territory).

My Activities This Week

My structured exercise regimen lacked a bit this week


I went to the gym as expected; my exercises comprised

  • Using the helix machine for 15 mins
  • Stationary biking for 10 mins
  • Running & walking on treadmill for 15 mins
  • Three sets of pull-ups (4 - 5 pull-ups per set)
  • Three sets on the rings
  • Three sets of bodyweight squat (15 reps per set)
  • Handstand practice
  • 5 - 10 mins on the kickboxing punching bag
  • 15 mins stretching and core exercises

No swimming this week as the swimming pool was unavailable.

Throughout the day, I worked on my handstand, legs stretching and bodyweight squats.

Met my daily 10k-steps goal.


I was supposed to exercise from home, mainly stretches, handstand, and core exercises.
I didn't have an actual regimen on this day, but I did perform those exercises throughout the day.

Met my daily 10k-steps goal.


Was expected at the gym; I completely bailed by waking up late.
Exercises were similar to Tuesday's.

Met my daily 10k-steps goal.


Today was Independence Day; however, I was already feeling bad about the trajectory of my exercises this week.
I started the day with a 4+-mile walk & another 0.5m biking.
Completed my stretching, handstand, bodyweight squats, & pull-ups throughout the day.

Very much exceeded my daily 10k-steps goal (I think I had about 20k+).


Woke up late, ignoring gym date.
Completed my stretching, handstand, bodyweight squats, & pull-ups throughout the day.

Met my daily 10k-steps goal.

Saturday & Sunday

These days are mainly for stretching & gymnastics activities, which I happily performed.

Met my daily 10k-steps goal.


I'm a work in progress and my hope is to keep getting better until I achieve my weight loss goals.

Looking forward to next week's measurements!