Day 8 - Middle Splits Challenge

I'm beginning to feel the effects of all the exercises & the limited food intake on my body.

I woke up late this morning, meaning my body was quite tired from yesterday (especially since I also practised some splits training around midnight last night).

Anyways, I couldn't complete my usual routine as I had to prepare for work.

So, since I work from home, I was able to complete my training during work.

The Training

I warmed up with

  • A couple sets of the butterfly pose (with the weights)
  • The first three exercises in the video below (honestly, I feel those exercises are great.....especially since they are low-impact):

Then, I got into the splits session.

The Experience

Similar to yesterday, I'm feeling the stretch in my pelvis, almost as if the pelvis is being pulled apart, like a chicken drumstick!

By the end of the 4th set, I was glad there was a 2-min resting period for the 5th set.

I also began to perform PNF - Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation during the exercise and pushing down on the pelvis to open it more.

To be honest, I haven't seen much improvements, but I'm feeling the stretches.

Informal Sessions

I reduced my informal splits sessions to allow my thighs to recover. So, I still stretch and practise single-leg/double-leg butterfly poses whenever possible.

I'm looking forward, not to the end of the project, but to the accomplishment of the goal. Stay tuned!

Day 7 Experience