Day 30 - Middle Splits Challenge

Sadly, all good things must come to an end..

Today was the 30th day of this challenge, the final session for this challenge.

On one hand, I'm glad the challenge ended without me quitting.

Honestly, there were days I didn't feel like doing the session; there were also days I felt like quitting mid-session.

However, I persevered and kept going, hoping to be rewarded with the goal accomplishment soon.

I didn't miss a single day!

Woohoo - Celebration

On the other hand, I'm sorta sadden that the main goal was not met; this wasn't due to the lack of effort or purpose, I tried my best!

I read articles, watched videos, a lot of warm-ups, stretches, and even prayers :D.

Unfortunately, some things can't be rushed without the risk of permanent injury; it seems middle splits is one of those things.

From my research, achieving the middle splits typically take people months or even years to accomplish, especially those starting fresh as adults.

So, it's a little misguidance to presume the goal would be accomplished within 30 calendar days.

The Training

I woke up and went to the gym.

I spent some time on my shoulder and back flexibility, including the following exercises:

  • Rag doll pose (on a bench, using a 20-lbs dumbbell for support and to extend the range of the lower back)
  • Butterfly poses (with 20-lb dumbbell on each thigh)
  • Leg raises on the ring

I came back home and got ready for the session.

I started the warm-up drills with happy baby pose, followed by my favorite, regular drills.

I followed those up with standing hamstring stretch.

I was ready for the final session.

The Experience

I eased into the 1st set as I felt sore.

By the 2nd set, the soreness was gone and the hips were opening up.

On the 3rd set, the muscles reached their current limit.

Same for the 4th set.

After the 4th set, I realized that I wasn't sweating and that the hips could be opened more.

So, I only had a 60-second rest prior to jumping into the 5th set.

By the time I finished the 5th set, I felt the muscles were primed for further stretching.

So, I continued a 6th set after a 60-second rest.

After the 6th set, I rested for 2 mins and started the 7th set.

By this time, the muscles really feel like they were opening up.

And it hits me that perhaps, instead of completing 5 sets per session, it should be increased to 10 sessions (or at least, longer than 5 sets).

My reasoning is that the first 2-3 sets would stretch the hips to their current range; however, as the sets drag on, the muscles would naturally stop resisting and open up more.

At least, that's the theory I'm now running with.

And instead of having the sessions daily, the sessions should be completed every 2 or 3 days to allow the muscles time to adjust to the new range.

I completed sets 8 and 9 with only 60 seconds rest and for the 10th set, I rested for 2 mins.

Once done, I rested for 60 seconds and started the front splits as well.

2 sets per leg, 60 seconds in stretch, and 60 seconds in rest.

Once the front splits were completed, I move into the headstand position.

My headstand is now a lot better, I can balance with front/back leg split, sideways-split, knee tuck, etc.

I ended the headstand session with a backbend and this is also getting better; each leg can touch the ground independently (both legs can't touch the ground simultaneously yet).

My Gains Over The Last 30 Days

Shoot for the moon.......and you may hit a star!

I didn't achieve my middle splits during this challenge; however, I'm very glad to have tried.

Challenge or not, the 30 days would have passed while I remained inflexible.

So, here's a nugget of wisdom in my exercise/weight loss journey:

" Always have a goal you're working towards! "

It is hard/nearly impossible to maintain a longterm commitment towards exercise without striving towards a goal.

Here are my gains over the last 30 days:

Middle Splits

30 day middle splits result

My legs are about 144 degrees apart (180 degrees is a full split).

Butterfly Pose

butterfly pose after 30 days

My ankles are on the floor; my calves are almost touching the floor.

Rag Doll Pose

rag doll pose after 30 days

My face is in between my thighs!

What's Next?

Since the middle splits goal is not achieved, the plan is

  • take a few days off
  • continue daily warm-up drills
  • test 10 sessions per day every 2 or 3 days to see which period my body will respond to
  • continue additional researches into middle splits
  • determine how long I want the next challenge to last, depending on how often I'll be training

I want the next challenge to be successful (i.e. achieve the full middle splits); so, I need to provide an achievable timeline to the next challenge.

I'm still training other skills (and seeing some progress):

  • front splits
  • handstand
  • 10-rep pull-ups
  • 1 muscle up

However, they're not my primary goals; middle splits is my primary goal and until I achieve (or frustratingly abandon) it, it will remain my primary goal.

Thanks for staying with me until the very end.

See you around :D!

Day 29 Experience