Day 18 - Middle Splits Challenge

Woke up and went to the gym.

After gym, came back home to start my middle splits training.

The Training

As usual, I started with the usual warm-ups:

Then, I followed up with some straddle lifts and some leg swinging.

About 15 mins later, I was ready for the middle splits session.

The Experience

I wasn't as sore or weak today as yesterday's.

I think my techniques are getting better as I could feel my pelvis stretching.

As usual, I felt the aches in the thighs and heels and anytime I felt the stress in my arms, I recalibrated.

For the 5th set, I took a 2-min rest (which felt really good as my legs needed that long rest).

Informal Sessions

I also did some stretches in the morning & early afternoon.

Because of being energy-depleted due to the fast I was in, I decided to rest the legs for the rest of the day so they can be ready for tomorrow's training.

I have the correct technique, the right motivation, and the right plan.

All I need to do is to persevere with the training sessions and have abundant patience.

The goal is within reach.

See you tomorrow!

Day 17 Experience