Day 16 - Middle Splits Challenge
I woke up and attended the gym today.
I'm not sure if it helped my session today, but my warm-ups felt extra limber.
The Training
I warmed up with my favorite exercises as usual.
I also completed some butterfly poses lying down.
Finally, I completed some hamstring stretches and leg swings.
I was ready for the session.
The Experience
So, the first set is usually the worst while stretching. The ache wasn't too much, but I didn't feel I was giving it my best stretch.
The second, third, and fourth sets were much better (in terms of range).
I could feel the progress, especially as I sat on the thighs; basically, if I was feeling the pain in my arms instead of the legs, I was using the wrong form.
Rested 2 mins for the final set; completed the 5th set and I felt like I still had the strength to go for another round.
However, had to get the kids ready for school as well as prepare for work.
Informal Sessions
Completed another stretch as I was about to brush my teeth.
Did an active stretching while brushing (brushing in stretch was much better than standing upright, right?)
Spent the rest of the day on other exercises as well as warming the thighs with light stretches (didn't want to overstretch throughout the day).
14 more days to go! Will I make it? Find out tomorrow!