Day 14 - Middle Splits Challenge

I'm almost half-way through the challenge and I'm not gonna lie: I'm beginning to panic!

I'm not sure if I'll be able to complete this goal within the remaining timeframe.

But I'm an AmeriCAN; I'm going down swinging!

Woke up, realized I couldn't go to the gym today.

Rested for a few mins and began warming up for my splits training.

The Training

Completed my usual warm-ups; forgot to complete straddle lifts.

Those warm-ups are sooo easy to do, you just feel yourself sliding into them, similar to yoga!

And you just feel limber afterwards.

I also realized that I've been neglecting my other stretches (for the spine, back, torso, wrists, etc.); I need to incorporate them into my morning routine.

Anyways, back to the training; I was ready!

The Experience

With music in my ears and eyes closed, the ache/pain was bearable.

As usual, stayed in position for 60 seconds, then rested for 60 seconds.

Before the 5th set, rested for 2 mins (although it doesn't seem necessary anymore....for now)

Informal Sessions

I know my thighs are expanding (as I can feel the increase in range), but I still feel plateaued.

So, I studied my original motivational video, the one that started the whole shebang.

It seems that when I'm in position, my torso is bent forward instead of sitting tall; essentially, the weight is being felt in my arms instead of on my legs.

Essentially, the weight should be felt in my thighs; my heels should begin to feel the weight as the ball of the feet begin to turn upwards.

Armed with this new information, I began to apply it to my informal sessions (at the bed frame, while brushing, etc.)

I will also use it in tomorrow's session and see if there's any changes.

See you tomorrow.

Day 13 Experience