Day 11 - Middle Splits Challenge

Well, I had 2 sets of stretching late last night.

This morning, I was expecting to be extra sore, but I wasn't.

Since I woke up late, I didn't have a session immediately.

But after starting work, I saw a 20-min opportunity to practise my splits; so, I did.

The Training

I started with my favorite lazy warm-ups.

I also completed a couple straddle lifts as well.

Then, I got into the session.

The Experience

Well, as mentioned yesterday, I started closing my eyes and listening to music while doing the stretches.

As a result, it made the experience less painful.

My butt is about 10 - 11 inches off the ground; however, I'm hoping I haven't plateaued since I don't seem to be going lower.

Informal Sessions

I also stretched the thighs a couple of times by lifting one leg onto a higher surface.

I completed a couple of sets after work to maintain flexibility.

I've got 19 days to make this goal happen; we'll see what happens.

See you tomorrow.

Day 10 Experience