August 11th - Weekly Weigh-In

Weigh-in day

It's a loooooooong process; quitting won't speed it up!
          - Anonymous

It's weigh-in time, again! This is a weekly activity to track my progress as part of my weight loss program.

I had two day-long fasts this week to assist in burning the calorie stockpile I've got in my body.

This Week's Weight Goal

My weight goal this week was 208.26 lbs.

Last Week's Weight

My official weight last week was 204.40 lbs; by Monday morning, it had ballooned to 207 lbs.

And before further ado, my weight this week is

199.0 lbs!


Officially, I lost 5.40 lbs, but unofficially, I lost 8 lbs!

My measurements were

  • Body weight: 199 lbs
  • Waist size: 36.5 inches
  • Body fat percentage: 23.7%
  • Body Mass Index: 27.8
  • Muscle Mass: 37.2%
  • Bone density: 7.4
  • Calorie maintenance: 2,991 kcal


Body fat is dropping, clothes are becoming baggy.
My BMI still says I'm overweight, but pictures say otherwise.

My abs are already showing; however, they're not washboard abs yet.

Detailed below were the activities I engaged in each day for the weight-loss.

Week's Activities


The week is shaping up to be very bright; I woke up and attended the gym!

I also decided to have a day-long fast today and break tomorrow evening.

At the gym, I

  • Completed 15 mins on the elliptical machine
  • Completed 15 mins on the stationary bike
  • Completed 1 set of pull-ups (7 reps); I also completed some additional mini-sets (about 2 - 3 reps)
  • Completed a couple sets on the rings
  • Completed 2 sets of push-ups (levels 1 - 4, 6 reps each)
  • Completed a couple handstand sets

While completing the push-ups, I accidentally checked my guns (aka arm muscles); they are RIPPED! I didn't realize how ripped they've become, given that I haven't touched external weights (dumbbells or bar) in over a month.

Back at home, I completed my middle splits, front-splits, and headstand trainings.

Of course, I also jumped on the walking pad to start workday.

Throughout the day, I also practised active thigh stretching (horse stance with wide legs).

Shredded my daily 15k-step goal; almost reached 24k steps.


I woke up a little early today and was able to fully stretch my whole body.

I also practised my middle splits, front splits, and headstand trainings.

The day was turning out great.

I started workday as usual, on the walking pad.

In between that, I also

  • completed 1 set of push-ups (levels 1 - 4)
  • completed 1 set of pull-ups (8 reps, a new record!)
  • attempted a muscle-up (one of my forthcoming goals); I didn't succeed, but I got one arm over the bar! This is the highest I've reached regarding the muscle-up; once I'm able to get both arms over the bar, pushing up should be relatively easy. So, my strength isn't enough yet.
  • many horse stance drills throughout the day.

Today was my walking day (walking around the neighborhood or lake with my rucksack, water, and headset); unfortunately, it started raining. So, I decided to walk on the walking pad instead.

I watched a masterclass video on stretching and spent time

  • stretching my back (with 20-lb dumbbell on my hand)
  • pancaking (again, with 20-lbs dumbbell on my neck)
  • completing butterfly pose (with 20-lb dumbbell on each thigh)

I initially was planning to break my fast today, but after having my coffee with creamer (about 300 calories), I stopped feeling hungry.

I weighed myself and saw much progress on the scale; so, I decided to keep the fast on for an extra day.

I later had an apple before bedtime, in order to have energy for gym-time on the next day.

Shredded my daily 15k-step goal; had a little over 26k steps!


Seems I'm getting my mojo back; was able to wake up early and visit the gym.

At the gym, I

  • completed 15 mins on the elliptical machine
  • completed 15 mins on the stationary bike
  • completed 1 set of pull-ups (7 reps)
  • attempted a muscle-up; didn't succeed :(
  • skipped push-ups because I've started feeling some muscle imbalance on my upper back (which might have been caused by too much push-ups without corresponding frontal muscles workouts - I'm gonna need to sort that out later)

I also spent some quality time on stretches

  • standing on a bench, bending down while holding a 20-lbs dumbbell; this helps to stretch the glutes.
  • holding a 5-lb dumbbell in one hand and with the dumbbell facing the mirror, lifting the hand straight up till it passes my head; this strengths some tiny shoulder/arm muscles which aren't frequently used
  • stretching the arm backwards by resting one side of the body against the wall with the hand straight up (palm touching the wall) and then walking the fingers against the wall and towards the back.
  • pancaking with 20-lb dumbbell on my neck
  • butterfly poses with 20-lb dumbbell on each thigh

I ended the gym time with a 6-min kickboxing session.

Came home and completed my middle splits, front splits, and headstand training sessions.

I had been on a 2-day fast (with only 2 cups of coffee and 1 apple as my nourishment).

I periodically weighed myself and the scale was moving in the right direction; at one point, I briefly hit 199.8 lbs before going up to 200.4 lbs. This is the lowest weight I've carried in probably 18 years!

I wanted to just have an apple for the day and keep the fast going for an extra day; however, I realized I was getting weaker and if I didn't break it, I would get to a point where I'd start binging on food.

So, I broke the fast in the evening; the plan is to fill up today and Thursday, and to start another fast on Friday, which will carry me through Saturday for my official weigh-in.

Needless to say, but also crushed the daily 15k-step goal by missing 30k only by a few hundred steps.


Woke up a little late and started my stretching session.

I'v been paying additional attention to my shoulder stretches since a lot of bodyweight exercises and movements utilize the shoulders.

From the whole body stretches, I sequed into middle splits, front splits, and headstand training.

Once I started workday, I started my walking as usual.

I also completed one set of push-ups (levels 1 - 4, 6 reps).

I also completed multiple sets of wide leg horse stance; this is a leg strengthening exercise that helps with middle splits, high kicks, and general leg strength.

I also completed multiple headstand drills, as well as back stretches.

I also spent some time with the kids in the swimming pool where they swam and played in the water for about 1.5 hrs.

I didn't have any calories until dinnertime when I binged a little since I planned to fast all day Friday through Saturday for my weigh-in.

As always, CRUSHED my daily 15k-step goal; had over 22k steps.

Since I've been exceeding this goal for weeks now, I've decided to make the 15k a base goal and 17k as a stretch goal.


Woke up and went to the gym.

Was having a little low-energy vibe; so, I only

  • completed a 15-min elliptical machine
  • completed a 15-min stationary bike ride

Afterwards, I skipped all weight-lifting and simply dove into stretching, paying attention to the shoulders.

I also skipped kickboxing and came straight home.

At home, I continued the whole body stretching and from there, completed the middle splits, front splits, and headstand training sessions.

During work, I

  • completed 1 set of push-ups (levels 1 - 4)
  • also completed 1 set of pull-ups (8 reps)
  • had a couple of muscle-up attempts, but didn't succeed.....yet

After work, I had additional headstand and handstand sessions.

To reduce the temptation of breaking my fast, I avoided the kitchen and kept myself busy.

Exceeded both my base (15k) and stretch (17k) walking goals; hit over 22k steps.


Because my wife was available to watch the kids, I woke up around 7am and rode my bike to the lake.

Still on the fast, I ate half an apple and took a 2-mile walk around the lake.

Finished the remaining half of the apple and took another 2-mile walk around the lake.

From there, I biked about 5 miles home.

Once I got home, I completed my middle splits, front splits, and headstand sessions.

Since Saturday was my chillax day and I was out with the kids all day, I didn't engage in much exercise activities afterwards.

I weighed myself in the evening and broke my fast.

Exceeded my base goal, but not my stretch goal (mainly for the weekdays); it was by design as I didn't watch to overstretch the body.
I hit 16k steps.


I'm 12 lbs away from reaching my ideal weight goal; this makes me very excited!

Ultimately, my ideal weight will be determined by how visible my abs are.......and that's a day to which I'm certainly looking forward!