Aug 4th - Weekly Weigh-In

Step on the scale, fatboy; show me what you've got!
It's weigh-in time! This is a weekly activity to track my progress as part of my weight loss program.
This Week's Weight Goal
My weight goal for this week is 210.60 lbs.
Last Week's Weight
As you can see from last week, my official weight was 207.20 lbs.
So, I'm already ahead of my schedule by about 5 lbs; according to the plan, I should lose an average of 2.34 lbs each week to meet the program's objective.
My unofficial weight, which was checked on Monday morning, was 209 lbs.
I went to the gym twice this week; so, formal exercise-wise, it was much better than last week's.
I also did a lot more push-ups, pull-ups, stretches, handstands, etc. this week.
In addition, I did better on my daily walk goals this week.
Nourishment-wise, I went on a day-long fast twice this week as the scale didn't seem to move at all; although my energy level dropped a bit, I didn't really feel hungry.
Sunday morning, I woke up for my official weigh-in and to break my fast.
My official weight is
204.4 lbs!
Officially, I lost about 2.8 lbs, but unofficially, I lost 4.6 lbs.
Losing weight is definitely tough; seeing the scale (and the clothes) drop provide some emotional satisfaction.
My measurements this week were
- Body weight: 204.40 lbs
- Waist size: 37.50 inches
- Body fat percentage: 25%
- Body Mass Index: 28.6
- Muscle Mass: 36.5%
- Bone density: 7.7
- Calorie maintenance: 3,042 kcal
All the numbers are moving in the correct direction (i.e. progress); more importantly, the body weight is decreasing, the body fat percentage is shrinking, and the muscle mass is increasing.
This is an indication that I'm losing fat and gaining muscle mass.
Because my BMI is still above 25, I'm still considered overweight and thus, still a fatass!
Week's Activities
I woke up late and couldn't visit the gym.
But I still made up for it by completing
- my middle split sessions
- multiple sessions of handstands training, focusing on stabilizing the lower body
- 2 sets of push-ups (levels 1 - 4)
- 1 set of pull-ups (7 reps....yay!)
Shredded my daily 15k-steps goal; hit 19k+ steps!
Woke up late and completed some minor stretching.
Warmed up and completed my middle split session; also completed
- multiple handstand training sessions, focusing on lower body stability
- 2 sets of push-ups (levels 1 - 4)
- 1 set of pull-ups (7 reps....seems like training my grip strength did help my pull-ups)
- Was pretty much on the walking pad all morning while working
After work, I went for my weekly walk, completing about 4 miles.
Funny thing happened during the walk: I got stopped by cops.
What Happened?
My walking route took me over a bridge; this bridge is an overpass (meaning it was constructed over another road about 50 feet below it).
Luckily, it has a concrete ledge (6-ft high, 2-ft wide) as well as a strong wire mesh about 10 feet high.
It also has another pathway ledge (about 6-ft high, 1.5-ft wide) about 5 feet from the first ledge that provides a pathway for pedestrians walking over the bridge.
This pathway ledge has a diagonal height, starting about 3.5 ft and diagonally increased all the way to 6-ft.
I normally just walk on the pathway, but on this day, I decided to climb this diagonal ledge (to work on my fear of height).
I walked on the diagonal portion till I reached the 6-ft portion and of course, my fear of height kicked in full gear.
So, here was I, standing 6-ft on the ledge, looking at it, contemplating if I should continue or get down.
I took a few steps forward and my fear actually increased, making me feel the ledge was shaking (even though I knew it's a solid 1.5-ft wide concrete wall)
After taking a few more steps, I realized I had spent too much time on the ledge and needed to continue on my walk.
I also made a mental note to start working on my fear of height (or maybe it's the fear of falling).
I got down from the ledge and continued walking.
About 5-mins later, I saw a police car pass me and made a U-turn; I immediately suspected it was for me, but I kept walking.
The car slowed down beside me and the policewoman flagged me; I took off my headset to listen to her.
She told me they got a call that a guy was on the ledge (for suicide) and she just wanted to make sure that I was alright.
I laughed and told her that everything was fine; I was just crossing the bridge.
She saw my rucksack, with my water bottle, headset, demeanor, everything and realized that I was just taking a walk.
She laughed and said okay; I put on my headset and continued walking.
After about 5 steps, another police car (with 2 male cops) made a U-turn and looked at me.
They saw that I just had a conversation with the other police, smiled and drove away; I smiled at them as well, informing them that everything was alright.
I don't know who called them, but I was sorta glad that they did; many suicides typically happen on bridges; so, I'm glad that some good samaritans tried to prevent it from happening (even though it was gonna happen with me).
If you're contemplating suicide,
do NOT do it! God loves you very well and wants you well.
Dial 988 - Suicide & Crisis Lifeline for assistance, guidance, and help.
Suicide is NEVER the solution.
Needless to say, but
CRUSHED my daily 15k-step goal; exceeded 30k steps!
Finally broke out of my gym-funk and went to the gym; completed my usual
- 10 mins on the elliptical machine
- 15 mins on the bike
- Skipped the treadmill (since I'll be walking throughout the day)
- 1 set of pull-ups (7 reps!)
- 1 set of push-ups (levels 1 - 5, 6 reps each)
- 1 set of standing jack-knife (36 reps)
- Handstand practice
- 5 mins of kickboxing on the punching bag
- 15 mins stretching and core exercises
Came home to warm up and complete my middle splits training session.
Throughout the day, I
- warmed and stretched my legs
- walked on my walking pad; by mid-day, I had already completed the daily 15k-step goal.
- completed 1 set of push-ups (levels 1 - 4, 6 reps each)
On my informal weigh-in, my lost weight hasn't moved much; so, I decided to stuff up today and have a whole-day fasting through Friday evening.
Crushed my daily 15k-step goal; exceeded 20k steps.
Woke up early and was able to perform a whole body stretch.
The plan was to not consume any food today and the only major calorie-dense item should be coffee.
Warmed up and completed my middle splits training session.
Throughout the day, I
- warmed and stretched my legs
- walked on my walking pad (I've gotten into a good rhythm with it on weekdays - walk while working until I reach my daily goal; then I can sit for the rest of the day)
- completed 1 set of push-ups (levels 1 - 4, 6 reps each)
I expected a dip in energy due to the lack of food; so, I wasn't planning to strain my body.
Exceeded my daily 15k-step goal; almost reached 18k.
Woke up a little late, but also went to the gym.
There wasn't enough time for all the exercises; so, I completed
- 10 mins on the elliptical machine
- 15 mins on the bike
- 5 mins on the kickboxing
- 15 mins on core and full-body stretches
I came back home to complete my middle splits training and got ready for work.
As usual, I got on the walking pad as soon as I started working and only used the chair after I had reached my walking goal for the day.
I was energy-depleted; so, I didn't complete many additional exercises, outside of stretching warm-ups.
I broke my fast around 6.30pm (which turned out to be a big mistake!) When breaking a fast, I should stay away from the kitchen and do it close to bed-time.
Given it was Friday night (on which I tend to sleep quite late), this was an invitation to binge on available food & snacks.......and I fell for it.
I probably consumed about 2500 - 3000 calories, which would have an impact on my weigh-in.
So, I've decided to have another fast on Saturday and do my official weigh-in on Sunday morning.
Exceeded my daily 15k-step goal; took almost 21k steps.
Typically a relaxation day, I didn't start any exercise activity until the afternoon when I started some warm-ups and completed my middle splits training session.
My lower body was really sore and I contemplated if daily splits training was effective or I should introduce some rest days into the program.
I eventually got on my walking pad for my daily steps goal and in between other chores, I was able to complete the goal.
I also spent more time on my handstand and headstand practices, training my core and lower body.
Exceeded my daily 15k-step goal; took a little over 17k steps.
Productive week exercise-wise; progress on my weight loss, handstand, and splits.
This makes me quite happy!